Wednesday, 26 October 2011


In 2004 Michael started kindergarten.  This was rather difficult, but the place where we went was lovely, and the teachers very understanding.  One issue was that he wasn't completely toilet trained at this point, so we had to negotiate nappy changes and toileting issues.  Because of their rating, they were not able to assist in the nappy change.  It was rather difficult, & I used to have to pop in most days to change his nappy.  Not the best thing to do with a child who has separation anxieties.

It became very obvious this year that he was far behind socially.  He wouldn't engage with the other children, instead playing by himself.  He didn't join in for the group activities, especially singing and quiet carpet time things, although he did enjoy the stories, and listened in his way.  He was a master at all the jigsaws, and had them all done in the first few weeks.  His fine motor skills started more clearly letting him down as well.  His pencil holding, using scissors, painting, all this wasn't quite on a par with his peers.

I think he did enjoy this year, and his teacher and fellow students seemed happy for him to be there, as he was.  It was a very caring kindy, and they did their best towards him, especially as we had no official diagnosis at this stage, but everyday we were becoming more certain that we would get a diagnosis eventually.

All this year we were on a waiting list for the speech therapist and paediatrician.  We enrolled him in Preschool for 2005, and still hadn't had our appointments.  It wasn't until early 2005 that we eventually found some real answers.

1 comment:

  1. The jigsaws in particular... oh so familiar. And the late toilet issue, and some aspects of social integration. But also a lot of differences. Which of course makes sense, because no two spectrum people are the same or affected the same way. As it should be.
